Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Part of being happy, I think, is learning to laugh at yourself. Luckily, there are AMPLE reasons for me to laugh at my self, so I'll be getting lots of practice and hopefully be extremely happy!

Here is an example:

A few months ago I decided to try to be thrifty and purchase a large box of baby boy clothes off craigslist. To pick up the box, I had to drive to a shady area of Arlington. I met with the lady, a friendly African American, took a quick peek inside the box to make sure it really was full of clothes, and high tailed it out of there. When I got home and unpacked it, I discovered a lot of really awesome clothes in really good condition, but frankly, they were all outfits that would look adorable on a little black boy, but extremely out of place on my white as milk, curly red-headed boy! You know, things like FUBU and Rocawear. All really good looking clothes, but all my black friends and neighbors would just shake their heads and laugh at me and my wannabe gansta son : )

Well, I kept some of the clothes anyways. They were just too nice. I always laugh when I put Nathan in them ; ) One of them in the pile was a high quality onesie with the letters RUN DMC on it. Since we live here in Dallas, I figured it was some logo for Dallas Marathon Company or something. That was, until my walking buddy saw it one morning and started laughing, amazed that Nathan would be sporting a onesie about a legendary and groundbreaking hip hop group from the 80's. I had NO idea. Wanna hear one of their songs?

Yep, that's who Nathan has been promoting on his belly for a couple months. My son, the rapper. Now all his jabber makes a little more sense.

Isn't life awesome?

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