Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nose Stuck in a Book

I love books. I would read some amazing novel every day if I could, but there are too many things to do, too many projects calling my name, too many chores screaming to be completed. I remember fondly the Christmas breaks of my youth, being able to just lie around eating fudge and reading a good book.

Well, on Tuesday a package arrived in the mail from my dear Mumsie. My mother is awesome in every way but ONE of those ways is gift giving. She is SO thoughtful. This package was full of presents for my little guys upcoming 1st birthday (I can't BELIEVE it is already here...) but she squeezed in a couple little gifts for me, one of them being the new Shannon Hale book, Princess Academy: Palace of Stone. I didn't even know she had made a sequel. She writes these darling little teen fantasy novels about princesses and love. They are so cute and I love them. So happy.

I decided to throw my obligations out the window and just read. And read. And read. When Nathan took his naps, I read. Once Nathan was asleep and my husband was studying, I read. After our nightly scripture study together and our bedtime routines, I read. And then in the morning before Nathan woke up, I finished it. It was fun little story and I had a blast.

It is rare that I just let everything go like that and really allow myself to devour a book, but there is something magical about letting a book absorb you. I love to breathe in the words, drink in the story.

Wish I could do that every day, but this will just have to quench my hunger for now. Thanks mom!

P.s. She had it signed by the author too. Sweet little inscription inside the front cover:

For Laura, AKA Sunshine-
May you find the balance of light in your life.
-Shannon Hale

Appropriate, no?


  1. I liked your idea from an earlier post about the Chicken Soup books. I put two on reserve at the library.

  2. Ah! I didn't know she wrote a sequel either! I may have to borrow it from you sometime :) And your mom is seriously the cutest ever...
