Sunday, September 2, 2012


One of the happiest parts of the day is when I get out of my shower, look at my foggy mirror, and see the adorable hand print of my baby on it's surface. You can't see it unless the steam has clouded up the mirror. It is precious and beautiful. Every time I clean the mirror, I inevitably have to go grab Nathan and have him leave his trademark all over it again. I just miss it too much!

Sometimes we see the most beautiful things in life when life gets a little hazy, when things aren't quite as clear and defined as we would like. It is the trial that helps us to see the blessing. This little boy is the light of my life. Some day, and nights for that matter, are tough and exhausting, but I wouldn't trade it for the WHOLE WORLD.

He has permanently put his fingerprints on my heart, and I LOVE IT.


  1. one of the most precious things about having your kids become parents is that they finally figure out of you feel about them. :-)
