Thursday, August 30, 2012

People Amaze Me

Aren't people just wonderful?!? 

I remember talking to one of my roommates in college about how everyone is amazing. Everyone has a life story to share. Everyone is different and unique and intriguing. 

I love meeting new people, seeing what flavor of person they are. When I go to sports games, I miss out on a lot of the game because I am too busy people-watching! It is just too much fun watching the old black guys and his mannerisms as HE watches the game, seeing the mother and father of four trying to corral their kids while passing out hot dogs and soda pop, figuring out the dating dynamics of the adolescents in front of me. Pretty fun!

Recently a gal moved into the ward that is super into digital scrapbooking. She is a fun, vibrant character that is always up to something, and that something is usually EXTREMELY creative. 

Well, I decided to enlist her help on an activity that I was in charge of for the youth at my church last night. I put her creative skills to work to design a bookmark to pass out. She. was. AWESOME!

It was such a pleasure to watch her work. It was more fun than the bookmark itself! She was just so into it, moving this, changing that, switching it around, erasing and starting over. It looked really good within five minutes. An hour later it was awesome. I was so impressed by her talents and I had a blast watching her and getting to understand her better. That is my favorite.

Wouldn't the world be so much better if we all just went around thinking about how awesome everyone else was? What would happen if instead of being jealous or prideful we were just able to look at a person and appreciate who they were. 

Try it out today. Stop criticizing. It doesn't ever make you feel better anyways. Instead, look for the AWESOME in everyone else. You'll find it. 

God made us, which makes us awesome.

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