Sunday, August 19, 2012

Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head

Today was a rainy day. I LOVE rainy days. I lived in Tacoma, WA for 5 years and rain visited us quite often  up there. Because we had 9 months out of the year that were raining, the forecasters got pretty creative on how they announced the weather every day.  There was chunky rain, drizzles, sheets of rain, raining cats and dogs, downpours, soaking rain, wetter-that-wet rain, etc. My mom has an amazing list of everything she heard them use during those years.

From Washington my family moved to El Paso, TX. There we had rain about 9 DAYS out of the year! These days all seemed to clump into August, during a period of time that El Pasoans nicknamed "Monsoon Season". During these few weeks, we would be hit by freak storms, full of lightning, thunder, wind, and BUCKETS of rain. I loved them. They were marvelous to behold. Once it rained huge fat drops on us for around 36 hours staight! The gulleys behind our houses were full to the brim with water. Homes were washed away. My sister and I, afraid for the safety of our home as the water level in our backyard rose slowly to meet our door, ran outside with buckets and jugs and coolers, scooping up water and dumping it into the pool, until that too was full, and then we dumped it over the back fence.

Did you know that you can smell rain? Because it was so rare in El Paso, I noticed that before a storm hit there was always a distinctive smell in the air that I had not noticed in Tacoma, I guess because I was inundated with it up there. I recognized that familiar smell in the air this afternoon while eating a hamburger by the pool and ran home to get ready. When it started pouring, I dragged my small son, Nathan, outside with me. My husband joined us soon after. Nathan was not nearly as excited about running around in the blinding torrents as I was. He much preferred to play with the broom from the safety of the porch and watch it all while staying dry. Oh well, he will learn.

The rain is such a renewing, life-giving force. It washes the old, dirty residue away and gives the world a free slate. It provides the earth with strength and growth. We, as humans, need the rain to live. What a marvelous gift it is from God. He "sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust" (Matt. 5:45). I am so grateful that He sends rain to me despite my imperfections.

Go play in the rain. And smile.

 Me during one of our awesome El Paso rain storms in high school. I've always loved playing in the rain...

 My boys in the storm yesterday.

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