Monday, August 27, 2012

Work, Work, Work

Sometimes I try really hard to put off the stuff that I know needs to be done. You know the stuff, those things that aren't VITAL, like shopping or showering or changing the baby's diaper, but are important all the same, like scrubbing the toilet or planning out food storage plans. I abhor that kind of stuff. It hangs over my head like a menacing black cloud, destroying my happiness. I try to forget about it, but it is always there, just bugging me. I feel more awful the longer I wait to do it because I KNOW that I am procrastinating, and procrastinating NEVER makes ANYONE feel good. Once I finally do whatever I have been trying NOT to do, I instantly feel better. Always.

So, I've been trying to work on those things that I hate to work on. Like organizing Nathan's closet or remounting those hanging baskets that I just haven't put back up since the move. Now, I get to look for pretty flowers to put in my baskets and I don't have to worry about swimming pool floaties and winter jackets and old burp cloths falling on me every time I need to refill Nathan's diaper basket.

Not a very exciting "Happy" thing, but it makes me feel good knowing that I am facing all those monsters on my To-Do list. Yeah, it would be more fun to sit around sipping pina coladas while I watch So You Think You Can Dance, but I always feel awful afterwards when I do that, and no more wasting a perfectly good day feeling awful!

Our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, has said a hundred bajillion things about attitude and optimism. He is an excellent resource for pick-me-up speeches. In a wonderful sermon he gave back in 1977 (I know, it was a LONG time ago, but it is an AWESOME talk), called Faces and Attitudes,  he talked about having an attitude of work. Included in his remarks was the adage "Work will win when wishy washy wishing won't". He also stated that "You do not find the happy life, you make it!"

Let's get work making for ourselves a happy life!

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