Monday, October 8, 2012


"Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die." -- Carrie Fisher

On Saturday, my church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, had their semi-annual General Conference, where we get to hear from all of our prophets, apostles, and other leaders of the Church. It was MARVELOUS!!! There were 5 two-hours sessions over Saturday and Sunday. At the first session on Saturday morning, our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, stood up to make some announcements. One of those things announced was that the age for missionaries going out would be lowered to 18 for males and 19 for females (previously it was 19 for males, 21 for females). Everyone was so shocked, including myself! I mean, it makes a lot of sense, and I think those boys and girls that are spiritually mature to go out early will be a tremendous help to the mission work.

Well, when the change was announced, I cried. Not because I was excited, but because I was jealous! One of the rules in the Church states that the daughters of Mission Presidents can leave on their missions when they are 19, instead of 21. For YEARS during high school and early college, I prayed that my parents would be called as mission presidents so I could leave on my mission early. No luck. And then, when my application was complete and I was almost 21 years old, I was prompted by the Holy Ghost not to go, but to marry Dave instead. So I did! No mission.

So, when President Monson made 19 the new line for sister missionaries I was green with envy. "Not fair!" I thought. "I prayed for this for years and it came too late! Do these young ladies now how LUCKY they are?" Yep, horribly selfish thing to think (I am a very selfish person. I try not to be, but sometimes that weakness shows a little stronger than I'd want it to...). And then, THEN, I remembered that if I had left on my mission at 19 years of age, I never would have moved to that one apartment building for my sophmore year with all my freshman year roommates. Therefore, I never would have met the funny, handsome, and frankly awesome red-hed guy that had just moved in too. And I wouldn't have married him.

Or had this adorable carrot-top dirt eater.

The Lord was answering my prayers all along, just He knew that the RIGHT answer for ME was to say NO. And I am so grateful. My life is beautiful.


  1. I've had some of the same issues!
    It takes a little faith to believe that this is the Lord's timing.
    I tell Ken that he owes me a mission and some interest. (Hopefully several more missions!)

  2. I so loved reading this. I tend (too much!) to wonder if my prayers are really being heard and answered (duh! I KNOW they are! it's just when I'm feeling weak and out of sorts that I wonder) and I know that He always hears me and answers me in the best possible way for me.

    Wasn't Conference wonderful?!

  3. LOVE this post! Describes my feelings exactly! Envy galore. But blessed that it worked the way it did.
