Sunday, October 14, 2012

Making memories

One of my happiest things to do is look through old photos and reminisce about the happy times I have had. The trick is, you can't be SAD because those times are over, just happy because you HAD those times and be grateful for them. I have been blessed with LOTS of happy memories. Each year gets better and better, but each year has been AWESOME.

This weekend, we worked hard to make some new memories for Nathan.  One of those things that we have started doing is biking together as a family. Over the last couple of months, we have purchased 2 bikes and an infant seat. We all load up and take off! This weekend we went to a beautiful park just ten minutes from our home. There are miles and miles of bike trails. There also is an amazing playground. Memories GALORE!

Go make some awesome memories. And smile about them : )

1 comment:

  1. I read your post on Monday and tried to meet the "challenge" by the end of the day. It ended up being that I laid on my back on the driveway and let the girls trace me with sidewalk chalk.
